Ability Reviews
Kirby can take a foe's own abilities for his own. Some can be great, but others are real stinkers. Here, find some insight into what powers are truly powerful, how to get the most out of the difficult ones, and which to all out avoid.
Sound familiar? Well, it should. This section is a continuation of the work set out by pseudo-staff member SiR6. To keep up that tradition, not only will complete ability reviews be dolled out by staffers, but you can submit your own. Just pick a power, make it complete, don't make it lame, and send it off to KRR Staff. Make sure to title the email "Kirby", "Review", or "Rainbow Resort" so I know it isn't spam.
See here for detailed guidelines of what to do. For some brief guidelines for a review, make sure to not just give a description of what the ability is or does. Make it personal, opinionated, and full of effect. You aren't writing on "what" the power is, more of "why". I'd suggest reading Ramphy's Hi-Jump article as a prime example.
Copied Abilities
Animal Friend Combinations
Crystal Shards Combinations