Review: Jet

Ability : Jet

Title : Kirby Super Star

Reviewer : Zombom

I always wanted SiR6 to review this ability, but he never did. That's why I felt I should review it. What ability, do you ask? Jet! That's my favorite ability, by the way.

Jet was only featured in one game, and that was Kirby Super Star. Its first appearance was in the second ability room in Dyna Blade, so it had one of the latest appearances.

Jet was one of the most interesting to look at. It consisted of a jet engine in back, going into a helmet that Kirby wore, along with goggles that he only sometimes wore over his eyes. The helmet also has wings on either side and on the top.

The ability itself was one of the most different. It was dependant on first holding down Y to store power. When you have stored enough power, press X or L/R to store this power. Then, it could be used for a few different attacks.

Y: Jet Kick - Simply pressing Y will send Kirby forward with a kick.

Y (at full power): Jet Dash - Pressing Y at full power will cause Kirby to zoom forward very fast.

Y (in air): Jet Heading - Pressing Y in the air will cause an attack like an aerial, slower, shorter Jet Dash.

Y (when using Jet Dash): Jet Cracker - Pressing a button while Jet Dashing, Kirby sends a ball of energy forward while stopping himself. This is useful when fighting the Twin Cannon.

Y (when near enemy): Jet Blow - Pressing Y near an enemy causes Kirby to grab the foe, then put him behind the exhaust pipe, and blow him away there.

Y (when near enemy at full power): Diving Rocket - Pressing Y near an enemy at full power will cause Kirby to grab the enemy and fly off the top of the screen. He returns a second later, and there slams the enemy on the ground, and throws it to the center of the screen, where it dies.

X (in air): Hover - Instead of puffing up like normal, when Kirby jumps in the air, he will float up, riding on a jet blast.

X (at full power in air): Ultra-jet Jump - This time, instead of hovering, Kirby will jump at extreme power by just pressing a button, and will stay up there for a few seconds.

The exhaust from some powers can light fuses. (This is required to access the Wheel pedestal in Skyhigh in Milky Way Wishes.)

The enemy that Kirby copies Jet from is Capsule-J, who also is his helper. Capsule-J is a weird robot thing that looks like a Waddle Dee. Maybe it's not. I don't think anyone knows. Anyway, since Jet is an aerial ability, Capsule-J doesn't need to hang on to when flying.

Jet was also featured in the anime twice. As of writing, neither have been subbed, but they hopefully will, soon. After an amusing transformation scene where the jet hits Kirby, then goes behind him, so Kirby runs close to the screen before it hits him, turning into the Jet hat, Kirby will use his fastest ability. However, the only attack used is Jet Cracker.

So, now we must wrap up this wonderful ability. Though it is one of the most unique and hardest abilities, once mastered, it will help you dramatically. So, next time you play Kirby Super Star, why not swallow a Capsule-J, and try this awesome ability.

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Last Updated - July 1st, 2008