Happy belated
B-day, KRR. XD Er, I started something for this year but I was
attacked by homework and couldn't finish in time! Eek. ^_^; I'll
try and get something done...
BUT, I still have stuff for today. Cool stuff. Well,
one cool thing!
Yes, finally... an ANIME
GURU FAQ! (That's Frequently Asked Questions.) So now there
is a fun and easy guide to read first that covers a lot of the
basic questions I get! Read it! It has pictures. :3 Read
before asking questions please! :D
Also on that note, since I get a lot of people asking for
screenshots and stuff, I made a topic
at the forum where you can ask to make it a bit easer. XD
Rainbow Resort
is officially 5 years old today. Can you believe it? O_o It's been
a long time, and I think right now RR is doing better than it has
ever done before. With so many talented and wonderful staffers,
viewers, forum goers, chatters, oekaki and drawing artists, and
everyone who makes RR what it is. We've had good times as well as
bad, but the site keeps going. ^_^ Thanks to everyone!
I just want to personally
thank all the staff that are staffing right now, and here is my
thanks to them:
Special thanks to Alice who sent in this cheerful picture to
celebrate! ^_^
Tune into
Kirby tomorrow if you wanna see Squishy and Spark Kirby! (And
even a Kirby ability from his very first game.)
Well I've been pretty busy lately but I got a few tiny
updates for ya. First, new Gurus!
(I've also fixed No.
17 because it didn't upload right! Whoops, silly me.)
Thanks to SiR6 for pointing out some lil errors here and
there with the Episode
List. I've also updated the Satire
and Parody section with some new info, check it out!
Also, 250+ new screenshots for episode
5: Beware! Whispy Woods. (I'll have more screenshots
later.) Also, new images in Official
Art of Ice Kirby, Dedede and Kracko!
Also, check out Kirby
Around the World if you wanna hear Kirby's opening theme in
4 different languages! (Thanks to Trolly for help there!)
Right now I'm working on something cool- a super complete
anime character guide! That'll take me a while though, but I'll
get it done! :D
The RR Offensive's Hall Of Fame has been updated, with the results of the 9th Quest. 20 Treasure Hunters found the Zebra Mask correctly. Oh, by the way... The Rules of the game have been updated with information about the Treasure Details page. Check it out! ^_^
Good luck finding the Beast's Fang (the lastest RR Offensive treasure) ^_^
kiddies! Either tomorrow or Sunday, depending on where ya live-
ALL NEW KIRBY! :D We start off this season with 'Waddle Dees for
Sale' (dub: Waddle While You Work.)
In the original this is the episode where the new opening
theme started! I hope we get a new opening theme. :D (Anything
would be better than the current one. ^_^;)
I'll have a bigger update later this weekend, all I can offer
now is some more Guru answers. (Oh, on that topic we are going
to be more lenient, you do not have to go and read ALL the
previous ones, but it would make us happy if you at least read
the previous 3-4 perhaps?) I'm also going to work on an
FAQ. However I do get a LOT of 'unanswerable questions',
I've noticed... Remember, I can't read minds! I don't know why
the creators of the anime do what they do. So, for that
I'll have a lil section perhaps, for my theories on it, since
there's no way for me to know for sure.
The RR Offensive's Hall Of Fame has been updated, with the results of the 8th Quest. 10 Treasure Hunters (6 of them are news) found successfully the Echigo Candy. On the table, there isn't lots of changes. A 94% of Hunters keeps their previous positions, while some of them climbs to new places. There's also a new Number 1 Treasure Hunter: Kirby's Cousin. Congratulations! ^_^
*Points to lastest Kindar's post* As you can read, there's a new Quest right now. Good luck finding the Star Stone, the 10th Treasure of this RR Offensive contest! ^_^
Thanks to
Ivyna J Spyder, KirbyFan103 and PaperSak, the
Kirby Anime bad guys list with
pics and info is updated! A link to Tilt and Tumble 2 has been
added to the left side bar too, under the new games category
'Cancelled Games'. Hopefully that list won't be added to as much.
The newest RR Offensive treasure is up! As of this week, we
are 1/6th through the competition =O This
week's is very easy. So easy you'll laugh hard and then go post
stuff in the new pointless palace on the forums because you go
insane from the easiness of it all.
To the makers of Fighter Kirby Rush, Fort Valiance, and Invasion of King Dedede: I have lost all of your contact information, as well as your names! If you would like credit for your games, please contact me with the necessary information (name, e-mail address, and, if applicable, website name and url). Sorry for the inconvenience.
The Bad News: The Guess That Song Contest... Kind of... Say, got blown in the face due to a lack of interest. A grand total of Five people only made entries after the form mailer got blown down. So, a little bot of work is going to into it this month, to try to make it... "Less Of a Hassle".
The answer indeed was Kirby Super Star: Gourmet Race (Second Course) Guess that song will be worked on to make it easier for everyone to use.
The RR Offensive's Hall Of Fame has been updated, with the results of the 7th Quest. This Quest was kinda hard, only four Treasure Hunters found the Screw Ball successfully. By the way, today is the last day to find the current RR Offensive treasure (Echigo Candy). If you haven't found it yet, please hurry up! ^_^
I also have updated the Air Ride Picture Gallery, adding 28 new Screenshots. You can find the new added screens on the fourth page of the Air Ride Gallery. Check it out! ^_^ With these new 28 screens, we have on the Air Ride Gallery... *counts: 1,2,3...* ... 402 pictures in total!!! (315 Screenshots + 71 Game Pictures + 16 Pre-Production Sketches = 402
Pics) ^_^
I will bring to you more stuff coming soon (like are the results of the 8th RR Offensive's Quest and some Links). Enjoy your stay, buddies! ^_^
A small batch of Guru questions, and
an update to the Kirby
Lyrics section with translations of 'Kihon wa Maru' and
Two all new sections! Official
Anime Art, with a ton of high quality color pics! And the Original
vs Dub section, featuring over 300 MB worth of video clips to
compare! :D
I'll prolly get more screenshots next week... Though
I'd really like to know what people think. :D
Fan Thoughts is officially closed. Primary Duck was leaning in
this direction for a long time, and I agree that the message board
IS our fan thoughts, so there really was no need for them.
Unfortunate, but make up for it by posting the forums. ^_^
However, many of you are familiar with SiR6's ability reviews,
which stir up many interesting conversations on the forums. There
is now a section solely archiving these reviews which you can now
enjoy if you aren't a forum go'er. You can find this new sparkly
link under the fan creations near the bottom left.
Other than that, I only bring news that Rainbow Resort will be
turning 5 years old this September 26th, and we're going to
celebrate in one way or another. The staff is brainstorming, but
if you'd like to help (a story, a picture, etc. ^_^) We'd love to
hear/see them and archive them as well. So, if you'd like to join
in please feel free to send me anything you want!
Now I will run
to continue goggling at Ivy's anime update XD Isn't that puzzle
book cute?
Too early in the week!
But I have something... even BETTER. :D Yes, a huge update. I've
decided to finally help out Kindar with the anime
screenshots- and I bring you... Almost 1000 of em! ...And
that's just of the first four episodes. (INSANITY. o_o) Go look,
lemme know whatcha think! :D They're very high quality.
The other thing is... an adorable Kirby
picture book! Can you solve all the puzzles? XD
And I was going to have that other Original/Dub
comparison thing, but it requires FilePlanet (over 300MB of movie
clips!) and FilePlanet has really, really sucked lately and they
need to get off their butts and fix it. =( Sorry, gotta wait a bit
And the last thing... Oh, did you know they're re-airing the
Kirby anime in Japan? Yeah, it's apparently not a common
thing! Usually once an anime is over, they don't do reruns! Kirby
must be pretty special. :D Oh, and we'll be getting new dub
eps soon! I think on the 18th! (Wah, that's not soon. ;_;)