Metaphor Kirbster
If you guyz already got this exact same email from me, just
forget about this one cuz i can't remember if i sent it after july 25.
ANYWAY... have any of you found any of the treasures from the great RR
offensive??? I always end up finding the fake chest and it drives me
insane! and i normally don't use that phrase. ^_^ I don't wanna look up
every single page on the site, so could you give me some hints??? (*wink
wink*) They can be very vague hints, or in like some code/pig latin. I
don't get how all these people find it, while I'm stuck here with only
2 pages that have my name on it (including Mailbag). I've been going to
this site for a long time and only half of the things I send get in.
It's sad. Now I'm not saying the staff is lazy ... hee hee. By
the way, is every person on the staff like at least a freshman cuz I
wanna be on the staff like most people, but I'm only in middle school!
Bagel: First off, I've never bothered with the Offensive. Secondly, age isn't really a limit for the staff, although I am currently about to enter grade 10. I believe no one currently on the staff is younger than 13, but there have been younger staff members (especially forum staffers) in the past. If you are serious about becoming staff, I suggest you apply next time a position is open. :P
GK: I found 2 treasures, and they were the easy ones. XD
Frosty: Only one treasure, the freebie. :/ And I never really looked for the others. And there's no real age limit; some people here started working as young as 11. :O
MZ: Well, I haven't even tried... I'd be as bad off as you. And I can't speak for the rest of the staff, but I'm going into my junior year of high school.
MW: I came here when I was 11. I showed my face at 13. Apparently two years of HTML Design study got me my job. The only other time that got noticed was when Mirra voted me most HTML Literate on the forum's, "yearbook topic" as it could have been reffered to. Of course information management is rather bland of a job. I say you not try to be staff. All you'll really get is some work and watching Zreb trip over his own words at the staff meets.
I was wondering how
you do that cool thing where you put a line through the word. AND, when
I asked about the Kirby HTML site, I meant: Is there a site that gives
out HTML codes for Kirby pics; etc.
Bagel: You type this: <s>TEXT</s>
Frosty: We've already answered this. .. ..
GK: I'm not telling you.
MZ: You have to look at the source code of the pages where people use the strike through. If that's too much for you, the code is left angular bracket, s, right angular bracket, text, left angular bracket, slash, s, right angular bracket. As for the HTML site, there really isn't any HTML code for Kirby pics. You just use the normal img tag with the location of the Kirby pic as the src attribute.
MW: I swear... Kindar must organize this place using Microsoft Front Page. I've seen every possible attribute with variables that could have been achived if the attribute wasn't even there. Xx;
Hello, again, you all! In the last mailbag, W4K answered my
first question by saying:
"In HTML just put between the words."
What is HTML and what do I put between the words?
2. Why is there a topic in mailbags when no one listens? In fact, why
is there always "none" next to the topic in mailbags?
3. MW was talking about standing ovations in some previous mailbags.
What is a standing ovation?
4. What is the answer to this question?
Bagel: 2) Topics are for the weak.
3) Oh yes, I remember haveing to correct MW's spelling on every one of his "standing ovations". ::egged:: (what the others said)
4) The answer to the question will most definitely make your life complete. If your life was complete, you would be bored, and I would be forced to see to it that you died. You wouldn't want that, would you? :o
GK: 2) Because people are dumb and we're lazy.
3) A standing ovation is when everyone stands up and claps.
4) GK.
MZ: 1) HTML = Hyper Text Mark-up Language. The reason you couldn't see what Wolf told you to put between the words is because he used HTML code and the browser interpreted it and ran it rather than displaying the code.
2)See GK's answer and double it.
3)Everyone stands and claps.
4)42, for it is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
Frosty: STANDING OBATION! (in reference to Bagel having to correct all of MW's spelling mistakes.)
MW: Hate :E
Shadow Kitsune Kirby
There's a bunch of blasphemy going on at the
guestbook. Any comments on that?
Bagel: a) What kind of "blasphemy" would there be at a Kirby site?
b) The guestbook was removed from the site just a few days ago, so it doesn't matter.
GK: ...Woah... Blasphemy... ...
Frosty: We had a guestbook?
MZ: Nothing new
Alexander von Koopa
What animal is better, lions or tigers?
Bagel: I think what's better is a more imaginative question, but I'd have to say tigers.
GK: bears. oh my.
MZ: Tigers, because they're more likely to eat your little sister.
MW: None of the above sided by a horizontal slant, prior to your question.
Frosty: TIGGER!
Help!!! I was just looking at the main index, and I could
not find the links to the event pages!(you know, like the E3 thingy and
the halloweeny stuff) It was just posted up not a long time ago,so was
it removed or is there something wrong? Please answer ASAP! Thanks!
GK: Kindar just added those, so they may not work...
MZ: May I redirect you to the "we're lazy" answer. It goes for the whole staff.
Bagel: I'm not sure if I know what you mean. I looked around a bit in the index, but I still couldn't figure out what exactly you were talking about. I'm sorry that I couldn't help. =/
Frosty: Oh it's there--..uh... *looks again* Okay, I know I saw the link when Kindar made that update. But it's like gone now. Perhaps she removed it for some reason. PERHAPS KINDAR WOULD LIKE TO DROP BY WITH AN ANSWER.
MW: My fault, if I remember correctly. :E
Penguin God
Excuse me if I'm stupid for asking these things,
but I feel the urge to.
1. If Kirby were to become a Final Fantasy black mage, what spells
would he have besides Mimic?
2. If Kirby were to ally up with Spider-Man, what villian would force
this comic/game into existence?
3. If Kirby were to drive a car, what model would it be?
4. Are the little stubbly things on Kirby really hands, or just
flippers? I don't see fingers, after all.
Bagel: Bagel: 1) I don't really play Final Fantasy, but probably what GK said.
2) The great Grargus of the Argyle Knights.
3) A VW Beetle, because I said so. :|
4) They're squishy appendages.
MW: Why do people send us literal quizes for these things?
I am no kirby guru -as much as that second needs to be closed- but I remember things no one else does. Even though half my endings of thought are based on fictional fact, I am a personal reasearcher of the characters in the Kirby existance.
My actual points brought to believe that all beings in Dreamland, live in towns and villages and have nothing against Kirby whatsoever. They lead normal lives, with jobs to hold against King Dedede's steep taxes to support the building of more towns and villages, while keeping his slight own keep of the money.
Enemies in the games are either Henchmen hired by King Dedede to take out Kirby (DL1)(Pinball)(Blockball), Meta Knight (possesed) solders (RoMK)(Dynabalde), Treasure Hunters/Gaurdians (GCO), Possessed by an evil force (Every other freakin' game), and we all agree HAL needs to stop using the possesion excuse.
Enough of my bragging. Back on point, in whatever Village, Kirby lives in, that we have yet to see, (due to HAL only making the game content when Kirby enters an enemy infested grounds, often reffered to as being simple and straight-foreward.) Kirby does indeed store a car on his grounds.
Yes. This is the car that Kirby used against a Tookey character, in Tilt and Tumble as a mini game. Why Kirby was in that exact situation, or as for any other mini game is often the same as it was in Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. Recreation. I mean, going against many numbers of enemies in games is not much Fun, so Mini-Bonus Games are usually things that cheered up Kirby time in, and time out.
Anyway, It is infact Kirby's car. Often you can presume how much Dreamlanders reffer to price of wind-ups the same as people do about real life gas. It has not been seen since Tilt and Tumble, but I assure you, now that you know about it, it could have been a rather nice KAR wheel'er. It is a second reason of Transport for Kirby (Remember, Warpstars follow a set path, this is more freestyle).
Where Kirby stores that thing is rather unknown. I personally believe Kirby's house might have a Multi-Level basement for the house's foundation, both to store such items, and to house all four Kirbies. A living basement and a Cellar at max. But that is my own theory. Follow it if you might, or go against it. (Tell the mailbag if you are against. Explain your opinion and us Mailbaggers will debate it with you.)
GK: SubmissionOkay.
1)Fire, Ice, Bolt, all that fun stuff.
3)LEGO car.
4)I've heard them be called wings, paws, hands, arms, and other things. It's a mystery.
Frosty: 1) Doomsday.
2) The Glob
4) Sticky arms.
MZ: MZ: 1) Depends on his level, but it'd be the same as any other BM.
2) Me.
3) Edible
4)Part of him
Metaphor Kirbster
Do you enjoy answering these questions that have no point
and can be completely Kirby un-related even though the rest of the staff
probably has a cooler job than yours? (especially Kindar) Or do you
just enjoy making fun of people who really need an answer to their
mysterious questions??? haha that must be fun, but i never started looking at
mailbag until the great RR offensive started... ... no offense... ^_^
Also I was just wondering what's your opinion on Kracko. After the first
game he was in, they put him in almost every game after that and I hate
Bagel: That's an interesting psychoanalytical point you have there, too bad I'll have to shoot it down. I like doing this, but I don't think I'd be easily unfulfilled, considering my primary job at KRR is as an admin of the forums. The same goes for Frosty, and the others all have other jobs of some sort here, aside from MZ, who is apparently too awesome for the rest of KRR.
GK: No one has a better job than me. I love doing this, but it can be very very frustrating at times.
As for Kracko, I don't like him for REASONS UNKNOWN
MZ: Well, first off, I know about jack about Kirby. Secondly, my job's better than Kindar's because she's footed with a lot more work and she is oft blamed for things gone wrong (we love you kindy!) Third thing, yes, I love making fun of people. Speaking of, I need to make fun of you. What kind of name is Metaphor Kirster? Similes are cooler! Like and as just bring more life to it! Okay, I'm done.
Frosty: We used to get Kirby questions BEFORE the Kirby gurus came along. >:E And Kracko is just like any other Kirby boss.
MW: Kracko is just there... I think it is just territorial of his cloudy santcuaries... It is just one of those things that are wild roamers. There is probably more than one of them.
Kirb master
Heya i have some questions for you
1#How does this site cost the creators/ (in $)
2#I want a fan comic book but how?
and 3#do you like your jobs as Q & A's of the mailbag?
GK: 1)It costs us nothing! We are proudly hosted by
3)I love it.
Frosty: 1)The truth is: SOMEBODY AT KRR WAS REALLY SACRIFICED. not telling who.
2) Make one.
3) It's fun. :o
Bagel: 1) Approximately 0.00 US Dollars ($0.00 Canadian).
MZ: 1) A lot of time. And time = $, so a lot.
2)You wanna get one or make one?
3)Nothing better!
Is there anything I could do on Rainbow Resort
that involves drawing Kirby? I love to draw Kirby! And I don't mean to
brag, but I'm good at drawing him. I'd love to apply my Kirby drawing
skills to something useful on this website! Maybe I could draw pictures
of Kirby for the site. Please! I really want do do this! :)
W4K: Well if you want to draw you can always go to the oekaki or the artboard sections of the site. We don't reall need artist except for the frontpage challenge thing. Try that out too.
GK: Dunno.
Bagel: Ditto to what Wolf said.
MZ: Umm... where there's a will there's a way... but you're not Will, are you?
Frosty: -what bagel said-
MW: Also, you can learn to draw Kirby characters here, you can practice drawing on the Oekaki there, use those pictures to get yourself into KRR's oekaki.
Oddly enough, GK (Green Kirby)
Golden Kirby! You stole my name! Mine's copyrighted by NME!
Anyway, how tough is it to be on the site? There's so many of you, but,
not much updating. (Gack!! I'll get a punch for that...)
I need to ask a question. How can us Kirbys copy things? How can we
and still live? and how do we get those abilities? This one will stump
youns. XD
Bagel: Nuh-uh. GK had is name first. Glod is the top of originality number one.
GK: No, you stole mine.
Other than that I have nothing else to add :D
MZ: SECURITY! GET THIS LUNATIC OUTTA HERE! SECURITY! WHERE IS GK'S SECURITY?!?!? Oh wait... that's right... Glod's not important enough to have security...
Frosty: ...I guess I shall answer the other question. Theory: Perhaps Kirby's stomach is a blackhole. :o Certain enemies agitate the disc, causing it to absorb the enemy or absorb whatever else attributes the enemy may have, like Meril's poisin, differently. Then the blackhole will have magical effects on Kirby.
MW: Oddly... There has been some re-spawning magic about Kirby, after before realized he is a causality rising machine. I talked about this before.
1. Is TAC one of the "mailbag ninjas" hanging around you
2. Do you wish that in SSBM's All Star mode, the final level should
have 25 Kirbys with their powers in the order of how you fought them in
the previous stages?
Bagel: Nope x2.
GK: No, and no..
Frosty: Nope. Nope.
MZ: 1)No, but, interestingly enough, I'm an Honorary Mailbag Ninja on
2)Not really.
I was wondering, could there be a "Meet The (whatever you
call the people that run this site) For I keep seeing these names pop on
the updates, and I have no idea who they are. There seems to be tons of
them. I thought that might be a nice addition to the site.
GK: There is a staff info page, look for it on the left column on the main page.
MZ: What Glod said. Besides... you don't really wanna meet me...
Frosty: Look at my awesome profile.
MW: I don't think I have one (a profile that is). :E
Bagel: Meeting me would scar you for life, instead look here.
I was just wondering if U guyz thought Meta Knight should
be in the next SSBM. Do U think he would make an awesome character?
GK: Maybe. He could fly like Kirby but attack like Link or Roy/Marth.
Bagel: I've always thought it would be nice to have him in the next SSB game, kind of like a half-clone of Kirby (like Luigi to Mario), with a different B-move entirely.
MZ: Maybe... but nah... Not enough to balance him...
Frosty: Yep; he could form into a tornado and fly around for his up-B.
MW: "Meta Warrior". Like that name hasn't been used fifteen thousand times. :D