Staff Info

The staff of RR! If you want to contact one of us, please keep in mind we work on this site for fun. We don't get paid, so we don't have endless time to work on the site. If you've sent something, please be patient we try our best.

If you have a particular question about a certain area, please contact the section's maintainer.

Chat staff and forum staff can be found in those sections, respectively.

Site Staff
Kindar Spirit
Contact: kindarspirit INSERT AT SIGN HERE
Job: Founder, KRR Legend
Contact: debageldond INSERT AT SIGN HERE
Job: Funder (not a typo~!), KRR Legend
Site: Lair of the Mad Goblin
Job: Guru, Fan Stuff
The Ometon
Contact: mintman INSERT AT SIGN HERE
Job: Developer, Everything Else
Last Updated - December 2nd, 2020