I have a spoooky Kirby episode for ya'll to celebrate!
Go watch
DEVIL KIRBY, if you dare!
And I got a set of
Guru answers. I'll have more stuff this weekend! I also have another new
voting thing for that contest. Sorry, only way I can get it to work!
Hey, FINALLY, I've updated again! This time not only have I got a batch of
Guru answers, I've updated the "Tips and Codes" sections of the following games. Kirby's Dreamland Kirby's Dreamland 2 Kirby's Adventure Kirby Super Star
It's mostly glitches, and I still have more codes and glitches to put up, but
I'll leave that for another day. I probably should have made some way for you
to tell what on those pages are new, huh? Well, all the new stuff is at the
bottom, below the old stuff (but above the Game Genie codes).
I'm the new staffer here, Jordan Scimia! most of you should know me from other sites... Or from the forums ... Whatever XD
I tried to introduce myself a while ago but I had some program and FTP
issues, not to mention my busy life so.. anyway , in a few weeks
things should settle down and I'll be doing stuff around the site. I
have no specific job, just whatever XD If ya wanna contact me, Email me
at jordanscimia@hotmail.com kay?
A while before I was actually a staff member, I started a project on the forums, in which its main purpose was to accumulate fan art of Kirby with his abilities.
Now, you can see what has already been contributed to the project here on the main site!
Of course, this isn't some special thing that
only certain people can participate. If you want to contribute to the
project, just check out the rules on main page of the section.
As promised, I finished episode 94,
Demon Beast Phanphan'! (I shall also upload it to Youtube for
a limited time, the link will be at the forums!) Apparently 4Kids is also
going to be showing 'Devil Kirby' so I'll try to get that done for next
weekend, okay?
I've put up link to a poll where you can vote for the
contest winners! (Thanks MadGoblin!) Remember, only your first three
selections count, so pick your top favorites! One vote per person!
I've also been working on updating the Kirby anime section. In the
character guide I've finally gotten some done on the
Holy Nightmare section. Yeah I didn't draw all the pics but I
will someday! I've also completely redone and finished the
Copy Abilities section with pictures and videos of EVERY one of
them! So you can go see those too. :D
Yep, no more entries will be accepted my good fellows! Go check out all the
great entries we got! I'm gonna set up the voting for the winner in a few
days, all right? I got more entries than I expected so it's gonna be tricky
to find winners! I dunno if I could just pick three, myself!
It seems 4Kids is going to dub at least one of the other cut eps.
'Escaped Demon Beast Phanphan' will air on the 28th as 'The Cowardly
Creature'. But I shall sub it first! I'll even put it on Youtube for a
limited time, okies? :3
Today is the LAST DAY for the contest! I've put up
all current entries I've
received so far here that qualified.
MANY of you misunderstood the
contest rules and that makes me sad. The point of the contest was NOT
to draw Kirby, but to draw OTHER characters with Kirby's abilities.
(But without just copying what Kirby's form looks like!) Many
people's entries were disqualified because of this unfortunately.
I'll accept any entry that comes into my inbox til I wake up
tomorrow! Remember to send all entries to
and no where else!
If you feel I unfairly disqualified you, please tell me! If you
can make an argument for me to accept the picture, please try.
The art ability contest ends in just 5 days!
I've put up the current entries here. BE SURE TO CHECK and make sure I
have your name right (I'm missing some names) and that your entry is there.
If you don't see your entry there, it means I either lost it or it
didn't get through. PLEASE contact me at
ivynajspyder@gmail.com I've been
having trouble with my usual email!
A couple of weeks (months?)behind on updates, I know, and yes there
will be a manga update in the near future - courtesy of HyperShadow and
VBKirby might I add. But while waiting why not check out the new
abilities and art in Squeak Squad? You can find them here.
By Jboy
- 10.06.06
have questions,
we have answers!
Yay, the Kirby
Gurus have updated with lots of
answer stuff! (Both Kirby Warrior and I.) And don't forget, the art
contest has been extended to Oct. 15th. I need more entries! Come on
Also, Kirby
on 4Kids is reruns for the next few weeks. I'll let you know if they
decide to air the other cut episodes!
Been a long, long while since I've graced the front page with some
news, but this is a rare event: A submission for the front page! Thanks
goes out to Future-Blues for the picture and
for following the simple guildlines clearly spelled out.