Unlike the other
Bonus Levels, Bonus Level 3 is the same for every character.
It's a race to the door on the bottom floor. Each of the 5
Floors are slightly different.
Floor 1 -
You will meet up with a randomly selected Fighting Polygon. Just
ignore him and run on.
Floor 2 -
At the end of the floor is a pipe letting out bombs. They role
down toward you. It shouldn't take any more then a double jump
to get by them.
Floor 3 -
When going down to this level use your downward attack because
there's another Fighting Polygon. If you hit him while going
down, you will likely not see him the rest of the floor.
Floor 4 -
This floor is covered with bumpers and there's a moving one at
the end. Just try to stay clear of them and you'll be fine.
Floor 5 -
This is the same as Floor 3 except at the end of the floor is
the exit.