...Well someone had to post it. =P Yep, thanks to Disk the
forums are working! Yay! :D And the oekaki is too! (Of course
yer all welcome to hang around my forums
if ya want too - though I was a bit off about the oldbies there
not biting- they'll chew ya up and spit ya out! :D)
Oh yes, and I finished Rat's prize pic! ^_^ You can see it here.Congrats
again, Rat!
Congrats, Rat!
:D I'll work on yer pic in a jiffy!
Anyway, the other reason I'm here... well I got some
feedback, and it seems when a lot of you voted 'movie clips and
stuff' you seem to be expecting FULL EPISODES. I. Cannot. Do.
That. I canNOT upload full episodes to RR. Too big for
one, and also QUITE against the rules!
However, I do understand there are those of you who live in
areas where they don't show Kirby, or something else prevents
you from seeing it, or you'd like to see some of the original
episodes... You can't buy most of them, so what are ya supposed
to do? Ya come to me, that's what!
I currently have 5 episodes of the original Japanese version
subbed into English... In addition, I have a small amount of
dubbed episodes, but only older eps... My pal Jboy has even been
able to get some of the more recently aired episodes to share
with anyone who asks! I have every dub episode on VHS, and
I've been working on finding a way to share em with everyone
So, if you're interested, please contact me! Either through
email, or on AIM ( IvynaJSpyder ) or MSN ( rileyngardelltruluv4ever@hotmail.com
) 'Cause everyone should be able to see Kirby!
Rat, with her
amazing fan fic Of All Days! It's an amazing story, and the detail
and work that went into making it is truly remarkable. Don't
forget to e-mail Ivy with your request for your drawing, and please be
sure to share with us whatever Ivy draws for you =D
It was
really, really close, and we all loved everyone's entries. The
participation was awesome, and if there could be a tie it was a
real close one between about 6 entries.
For Christmas event, I'm brainstorming. And hopefully this time
we'll have 3 places instead of one, because choosing was agony.
Thanks to everyone who entered, and thanks to Ivy for volunteering
to draw!
Well it seems
the majority of ya voted for 'movie clips and stuff.'
Um... Well I should have been more specific there. XD Er,
what exactly do you want...? Remember, I only have access to the
first 36 episodes in Japanese, and a handful of dub eps.
That's still a lot of stuff! Do people want specific scenes or
something? (I'm working on getting some dub episodes onto the
computer to get clips and screenshots from those, but it's been
Well I could always do a request thing like I had before the
forums went down? I do have some movies laying around,
I'll upload em today or tomorrow!
C'mon, email me and gimme some feedback here! XD I won't
And so this update isn't completely worthless, I've updated
some episode titles over in the ep guides and stuff. =P
There were
some nice entries to that contest, weren't there? XD Yeah, I
know a drawing from me isn't really the best incentive, but
anyway. :D
I got a ton of new official
character art! Oh yeah. XD 4 cute new pics of Tiff, 1
new pic of Tuff and 7 new pics of Kirby! How did I get them before
the official Kirby site puts em up, you ask? Well that's a
SECRET. (Nah, I'm just too lazy to tell ya!) AND,
sometime within the next month or so, I'll have a bunch of new
Design Art- I got my mitts on a set of 79 pages! Whoo!
Um, I'm just curious though... I'm having a hard time
figuring out what parts to work on first. ^_^; So if you'd take
this lil poll here, that'd help me to know what people wanna
see. :D
KHF is
officially closed, and never fear -- all the entries are up. Lots
of art, comics, a good handful of fics, games and some things
we've never gotten: A fan in their kirby related costume, a kirby
pumpkin, and a music remix. Very very cool! Everyone did an
incredible job, and we sincerely appreciate everyone's
participation! Judging should take place this weekend, and
hopefully announced latest by Sunday. While this contest was low
key, the Christmas one is already in the works. Stay tuned for
later this month for an announcement.
Also! Thanks to
Stevie2950, Jim, and KirbyMixer, the Kirby DS game has enough info
and odds and ends to make a page here for it. KirbyMixer has also
generously taken the time to take that huge clip off IGN and cut
just the Kirby part out in a nice small avi. for those not able to
download the whole thing.
When I hear somebody sigh "Life is hard" I'm always tempted to ask "Compared to what?"
Time was sort of the essience today, so it is very small update. Please bare with me.
One New Sheet Music Item. This one submitted to me by Waddle Dee. I was quite thankful.
And also there is one new item in the Gathered Remixes Section.
I really am sorry for the lack of the size in this update. Ever since the forums went down, was disconnected with the rest of the staff. SO thngs are alittle messed up. I promise I'll make up for this later in the month.
Thanks to
Stevie2950@aol.com, there
is some new information on IGN about the Kirby DS game, derived
from Japan's gaming magazine -- Famitsu.. The
working title for now appears to be called "Touch! Kirby Mahou
no Efude (Touch! Kirby Magic Paintbrush in English)".
While IGN has no screenshots at this time, the quick review is a
good read.
Also according to Famitsu, there is no sale date determined.
Also Japan's official Nintendo site has been listing future games
for the DS, and the Kirby title is not mentioned (yet).
Since Kindar started the KHF update I decided to finish it :D
KHF has been updated with almost all the current updated submissions except one because I have no idea what to do with it :P I'll let Kindar take care of that one (the photo one Kindar :P) Anyways only 3 more days so better get all those submissions in. Good luck to you all and have a Happy Halloween.