The contest has started! The three treasure chests have been
placed throughout the site. The official score time starts at 1pm
(due to being late) so you have a head start to get full points!
*DON'T FORGET* You have a whole week to find it so don't give up! Good luck!
The Great RR Offensive contest will start later today... and it
should be around 12 PM my time. I will try my best to update this
right at 12. When I have updated it I'll post it in bold later.
^_^ Trolly and I have already got the first hiding spots ready for
you all... ^_^
I've updated fan comics with new ones by Slimy the Slime, and new
comic books by Max, Kirb Cut and Mike Liotta! Primary Duck is on a
vacation right now, so I'll be handling comics for a while. I've
also got to let you know... the e-mail has changed one last time.
^_^;;; It's been changed back to due to the size limit
increasing. You can't beat 100megs! So if your comic was not
updated, it was due to our email account once again being over the
limit. (10 megs did not last long!) Sorry! ^_^
I are back, but with something other than what I'd mentioned...
Just adding to Trolly's update really, there is now even more Air
Ride art to see. I got pictures of all the enemies in the
game- and their names if you were curious. Yay.
Today I'm bringing you news and a heads up of a
contest that will be beginning next saturday (6.26.04) and every
Saturday after that. Trolly and I have come up with it, and we
call it The Great RR Offensive.
Check it out!
Also, before only Aqua and I admin'ed the site,
but now Trolly and Kirby Warrior have stepped up to help out.
So, please direct any questions you might direct to Aqua or
myself to them as well also. ^_^
Sorry for lack of updates since almost one month ago.. I had lots of problems to update, like tons of exams and other school stuff.. and also I fell ill for four or five days. So I couldn't catch the computer and do something for the site.. -_-;
Now that I'm totally recovered and cheerful (as always I am), I can come back here and update again ^_^ For me, the summer holidays has begun, and I'm three months free of evilness (the school, I mean XD)
This update is full up of surprises. Hope you like it ^_^
The Kirby's Superstar Ability Guide is done. There you will find all the info related about each ability, including the Ability Commands guide (which displays the different special attacks that you can perform with each ability) ^_^
Kirby Air Ride Picture Gallery has been updated with over 50 new screenshots! With this update, we have over 300 screenshots uploaded on the site ^_^
As you know, my updates comes with new links included ^_^ On my new e-mail address, I have received lots of links to add to our list. I have more links saved, but they will be put in another update. Meanwhile, I will show you the following links with a short description of them. Here I go! ^_^
Fighterkirby - A site related about Kirby, Worms, and other characters. You can find lots of stuff on the site Foxs' Forest Hunters - A little site with huge Kirby Fan Fics inside! Kirby Comics - Little site with a Comic Archive Photoshop Dream - contains a good Picture Gallery with art made by other people and other stuff (downloads, MP3s, etc)
Those links that weren't displayed on this update will be added on a next one because I got problems to see them correctly (they were down). If in the future those links I have saved can be displayed correctly, then I will add them to the list. I apologize for the inconvenience! ^_^
Hope you have liked this update and you enjoy it as I enjoyed those days I was working on it ^_^
Yeeeep. More answers. Sorry for the delay,
but I'm lazy you see... <_<
I need to do a Guru FAQ soon. =P You're all just lucky that my
memory's so poor I can answer the same question 5 times and
never realize it.
Oh, there was something else! I've posted updated lyrics!
A new, improved translation of Kirby March XD I'm working on one
for 'Kirby!' and the others as well.
The Kirby Red Diamond mystery is solved. There
is now a page about it on the site, that will forever detail
these weird auctions. Thanks to everyone who sent in e-mails and
played detective. Was quite fun really wasn't it? ^_^ In the
end, I got a response from Nintendo of America that ended the
whole ordeal, including the canceling of these auctions.
Go take a read! Now this is over,
I'll be back to normal updates. ^_^
This is very strange, but it gets stranger
when another auction on yahoo *thanks for VideoGamerPaul for
finding it!* came up with the EXACT same game, but this time
with back art and everything. Check that out here:
Kirby Red Diamond Yahoo Aution.
As this
topic on the forums will tell you, nobody has any idea
what this is! It might
be a bootleg/hoax, but if anyone knows
anything about this game please let us know! If your interested as
well, keep checking the the forums for any additional info that
might surface. NOTE: It is not recommended anyone actually bid on
these until we find out what they are. O_o
A whole load of new comics have been added to Fan Comics
check them out, you might enjoy them.Also, two new Fan Thoughts
have been added. Now you people out there have some new readin material, enjoy.
Summer vacation has just started for me, and what better way to celebrate than with a fangames update! Three new fangames this time, two from King Kirby, and one from Risan F. Be sure to check them out!
Sorry for the delay, but I'v been really busy. But I finnaly updated the Guru section again XD Also, soon it will be my birthday, hurrah. June 14th is the day, but none of you really care, now do you? ;D
Good news is fan comics is pretty popular. Bad news - our current
yahoo e-mail just couldn't give us enough room to accept comics.
Poor Primary Duck was drowning in angry
red-yahoo-over-the-limit-bars XD So, if you've sent a comic and it
isn't up, it probably was blocked because the account was so over
it's limit. Please re-send them and your future ones to our new
e-mail: Sorry for any inconvienence.
Quick update from me! I've finally gotten around to working on
Kirby's Dreamcourse again - and you can find
Courses 5 and 6's level maps uploaded! You might also notice
that there are a few more
Super Star Icons than there used to be. Like my animation? I'm
working on making more Mirror ones, but
this is all I
have for now. ^_^
Yo. Thing have been a bit heckitic along the workpile the last few days, so I did what I could to give you a nice lovely Update. If you complain, then no pie for you.
Go check out the Picture Gallery. We have alot of new background from Kirby the Amazing Mirror! (Tankuu Fier. :>)
Next, go check out the Sheet Music Archive with new stuff also from Kirby the Amazing Mirror! (Tankuu Me. :>)
Okay... That is it. Thank you for listening to my update. Wait untill next month to hear from me again. (New AIM SN for me. Conact: BrinaryDream if you have questions and stuff.)
Sorry to bump down Kindar's update so quick, it was a coincidence XD
Anyway! Not only have I answered more guru questions, but now I
have a real live anime section update!
Go check out the Abilities
section for videos of Kirby's transformations- you can even
listen to his entire Mike Kirby song, if yer eardrums can stand it
=P Tomorrow I'll have more nifty video stuff and later on, lotsa
screenshots. Whee!
Woo hoo! Summer vacation is right around the corner for most of
you =)
I don't have a big update today, but I am tinkering
around with things. Today I'm just kinda bringing news that the
Kirby Cards position has freed up once more, and is open to anyone
who wants to apply. I have to warn anyone thinking about applying
- this position is flooding with cards and requires someone who
really really dedicated and enjoys working with this sort of
thing. If you think you have what it takes,
please apply within.