Hey folks!
In case you haven't quite heard the news, I'm the new
fanfics guy! So if you've been writing a Kirby fanfic and
would like me to put it up on the site, just give me a
little shout.
And remember, if you don't post a fanfic, that fanfic won't
be there to read! ...Or something. So send in those
The Kirby
DS page is updated with 14 screenshots, 3 official art
work, and a famitsu scan... along with the much anticipated
release date... Japan that is. =D
Oh, I have
this bad habit of starting too many projects at once, and
then never finishing any of them. But not this time! What
the heck am I talking about? Well a section for the site
I've been working on since last year- it's probably only a
third of the way done, but since it's gonna take me forever
to finish, I figured I'd put up what I have! And that is...
Yes some of you may recall I started something similar on
my own site but scrapped it... This is far improved of
course! And since I can't find good screenshots of every
character, I'm just gonna have to draw them all! :D (For a
consistent look.) So, take a look, see what I have so far,
lemme know whatcha' think and all...
Other than that I got some more Design
Art up, from episode 62 and a few pieces of BG art...
And I recently won an auction for the set from 'Crisis of
the Warp Star' so you have that to look forward to. :3
So, after
several months of delay, I finally did the mailbag. Before
you all move in to slay me, please allow me to come up with
a cheap excuse none of you will buy! I was abducted by
aliens and they showed me cool technologies that had the
ability to do ANYTHING besides update mailbags. It was
weird, it was cool, but they brought me back to earth today,
so I did that whole update shizbang. Now, eat, drink, be
merry, don't lynch me.
Note: I also happen to have 50+ invites and they just sit
there looking shiny. You can e-mail me if you need any.
They're like party favors these days.
Uhhh.... Yes. Thing just started happening, so things
might seem alittle rushed, this time. Onto the list of
Reformmatted Sheet
Music Page: It is tweaked around alittle. It
should now be easier to browse through.
Maker Development Section: Yeah... I felt really
sorry wehad to do this, but it was just in heed to the
rising number of topics in Paint Roller's Canvas about
RPG Maker and what not. Right now, it is only very
basic, with a few resources done by me and Kirby
Warrior. For now, there absolutly must be credit given
to me if one of my resources are used, and to use one of
Kirby Warrior's resources, I suggestest you email him
for premission first. No tutorials as of yet, but you
can find a few here.
Email Fixage: My Email is broken for the time
being. So, if you have anything to send into me for this
new RPG thing or anything wait about a good week
(Including you Grandy02. The minute you sent me those
new animations I got that problem thing, so wait, and
resend). By the way, I new have 50 Gmail invites, so
just email me (after a week) if you want one.
Small update, but I've been kinda busy with things behind
the scenes here. Oh the drama. XD
The merchandise
section is very different. There are now links to places
to buy stuff.
The Kirby Super Star section has been updated with game
guides on Megaton
Punch and Samurai
Kirby. Very small like I said, but I'm getting back into
working on the games.
So I need your help for the next part. Please answer this
poll for me and I'll be happy to start working on what is
wanted most. I just have trouble deciding what to do next.