Finals are over Monday, then I can get back to the important
things! So just a quick update for now.
I added- or rather
put back- the little Kirby 101 section as you can see in the
upper left corner! Just a nice into for people who stumble in
here without knowing what Kirby is. =P And the Gameography is
updated... Oh, what's a Kirbypedia, you ask? It's not there
yet, but it's something to look forward to!
Also, look to your right if you would, and vote on our
forums survey! You do know about our forums, right? Well, we
need to know how we get so many hits to the page, yet so
little activity on the forums! (We don't just talk about
Kirby, ya know!)
updates less than three days apart, I know! But I've updated the long
neglected Fan Comics section with a comic that is pretty popular on the
forum right now! Feel free to check it out [link]!
In terms of the Fan Comics section itself, I don't actually run it, but
Cyber hasn't updated it in over a year, I think? So for now, as long as
your comic is of a good enough quality to make me feel motivated enough
to do it (so in other words, things that are not sprite comics will probably have a greater chance!)
Other than that, I don't really have much else to do! I will probably
start seeing what I can do to make some of the video game sections look
nice in anticipation of their re-releases on the Virtual Console for
the Wii, however.
I did it anyways! It's been a while since the last official mailbag,
and the next one might not come for a while, so I've decided to update
with mailbag issue 33 point five: now 25% more of that great Tropicana
taste you've come to love. Actually, I was originally going to do it
all on my own, but I enlisted the help of a few more people. But tell
you what, quit reading this, go read it [link]!!
And remember to continue mail that will show up in the regular mailbag and so forth [here]! And if you've sent a mailbag in the past and it didn't appear in this one-- don't worry. It's set to appear in mailbag 34!
Next two weeks are finals for me, so updates shall be sparse.
To hold
you over I have one new Kirby sub (the tracker's working again YAAAAY).
Ep 44,
'Whispy Woods' Friend, Acore'. Lots of Kirby's Dream Land
Good day once again. I made up on my promise to do some cleaning, and cleaning has been done. The Music and Sounds
Archive has been reopened. It is now a modest little place. A few of
the new changes are the presence of the Music File Icons that can be
found at the bottom of each page. The main upgrades were merely for
making it an easier section to browze through and keep clean. I'll be
applying the same to other sections as time goes on.
While I am here, I might as well inform you that the English Kirby Site has it's New Game Sub-site
up and running. We are hinted at the usual terrible translation work -
but we have grown to be critical of them anyway, so let's look past
that for now. Expect the usual things: Insane load times/Filesizes,
Annoyingly Pointless Sound Effects, too many distracting visuals, and
Screenshots with a loadtime of their own. I guess there no longer is a
love for the simple. Terrible as always, but on the bright side, the
website has a lovely hint of Blue.