Topic: The first time you heard of Kirby, to becoming a fan. What
game got you hooked first, or was it the show that made you cream
puff crazy? Share your first Kirby experiences!
KindarSpirit: The first time I played Kirby,
was when I spent the night at a friend's house. Her mom bought her
a Castlevania type game, Trog and a just released Kirby's Adventure.
We'd played them all, but we played Kirby's Adventure last. The funniest
thing, was she only had a black and white set, but even in monochrome
Kirby was still the coolest and cutest thing we'd ever seen. About
a week later, my parents heard I wanted it really bad and bought it
for me (my friend kinda wanted me to give back her copy I'd borrowed
too hehe). It wasn't any holiday or my birthday, which was such a
sweet gift they got me - considering back then it retailed at my Toys
'R' Us for $49.99!
And also, here's some connections between Kirby Super
Star and Super Smash Bros and Smash Bros Melee. They're kind
of long, but here they are:
Just recently I got Kirby Super Star for my Super Nintendo.
But what I realized is something that's very interesting...
You know in All-Star mode in Super Smash Brothers Melee
when your not fighting. And your standing in that park type
area with that music in the background? And you can get
some hearts if you need any health? Well, in a mini-game,
Great Cave Offensive, in Kirby Super Star, at one point
you can go to this one area, and save your game. And guess
what! The music that is between battles in All-Star mode
in Smash Bros Melee is playing in the save area on Kirby
Super Star! On top of that! All-Star mode is based off of
a game in Kirby Super Star! (I'm guessing, but I'm fairly
The mini-game is called Arena. Where you fight all of the
bosses. Normally I'd say, "Well, that's in a lot of
Kirby games!" . And just let it slip by... But not
this time! I also noticed, that in Arena, up in this tree
are 5 Max Tomato's! And once you use one it disappears,
but you get all your health back! And also in the corner
of this area is a picture of the boss you will fight next!
Just like All-Star mode in Super Smash Bros Melee! Except
in All-Star mode you get Hearts instead of Max Tomato's.
And also, a ton of Kirby's moves in Smash Bros and Super
Smash Bros Melee are based off of some powers he can get
in Kirby Super Star!
This is really interesting!
Well, also in Kirby Super Star is a boss. It's name is:
Wham Bam Rock. And it's head floats around in the background
while it's hand tries to hit you. But something I noticed...
to slam you, with it's hand in a fist, or just stretched
out. It aims at you! And it walks on two of it's fingers
just like Master Hand! And it grabs you and squeezes you
too! :D I also think that Crazy Hand is based off the move
Wham Bam Rock makes when he drops those rocks on you. Cause
Crazy Hand drops bombs! And something else I thought was
interesting that gave me some evidence to my idea was that,
in the first Super Smash Bros. Kirby's level plays the music
from Kirby Super Star! Which would mean the creators of
the game could have gotten ideas from Wham Bam Rock and
then they could have turned it into Master Hand! :) Hope
you liked, what I think, are connections!
KS: This website is sooo cute (especially
that Inky fellow)!? Thanks for writing in those comparisons!
Everyone likes to read about new little unknown things or
discoveries - it's fun! It's quite apparent that SSMB was
heavily influenced by Kirby and it's not hard to see why.
I'd like to make a quick comparison of my own: Master Hand
is cool, Wham Bam Rock is scary. The first time I fought him
I thought he was a voodoo witch doctor scary thing. I was
younger, but still.
Thanks Tim for sending in this list, it's forever immortalized
in the mailbag and don't forget to stop by the forums to show
everyone - SSB fever is still pretty high!
Waddle Doo Waddle Dee:
Ya i was wondering could i become a staff member and is there
gonna be another Kirby GBA game? Thanks.
KS: At the moment, RR is in a state
of chaotic disorder (sweats from looking at to do list). When
it's running more smoothly I'll put up a notice on the front
page for any interested in staffing. Thanks for your interest
though, don't forget to check back. As for the next Kirby
GBA Game... only the future can tell. :)
Pishi the Penguin:
Hey there! It's me, the Crazy Theories penguin! :P I first
heard of Kirby when Kirby's Block Ball was released - I bought
it, and thought it was kinda... huh... weird. What REALLY
got me hooked on Kirby was Kirby's Avalanche, though. I simply
HAD to get past Lololo & Lalala! Then I played Kirby's
Adventure and became an official Kirby addict! P.S.: In the
last mailbag you posted that really cool screenshot of Kirby
Air Ride in some space station. Personally, I think that might
be Mecheye in 3D! Seeing as another screenshot has Wheelie
in its KSS version, and not his usual self, it's possible
that more KSS stuff will be revived in Gamecube. That'd be
KS: Hey Pishi (ruler of all)! ^_^ Kirby's
Blockball was cool and it took me forever to beat. I'm sooo
glad it had a save game feature because every time I sat down
to play it I'd always get nagged and have to quit. It is kinda
weird though isn't it? A bit different to the other games.
To this day I still wonder what the last final boss is (if
you meet all the border lines). IF ANYONE KNOWS PLEASE SILENCE
at him! It's like he's evilly smiling at me and laughing or
something. I swear!
Kirby's Avalanche is really fun too, it's frustrating for
me though. I never really mastered it, I have a nice cheat
code on it right now that lets me drop nothing but avalanches
by only doing one blob chain. HAHAHA! I know, I'm a pathetic
cheater. I had the most trouble with... all of them.
Thanks for sharing that Pishi, it's
nice to hear talk about a couple of Kirby's more obscure
Hey, that is a pretty good theory!
I like that idea a lot... good guess! Just in case you missed
Am I the only one who thinks there should be a Kirby RPG?
That would be great. Anyway Kirby got me hooked when I got
my first Gameboy. The first game I ever got was Kirby's Dreamland
1. It was long time ago but it was during Christmas. I still
remember showing everyone the game. It wasn't until Adventure
that I truly became a fan of the creampuff. Anyway I noticed
you have a link to Pishi's comic: C+E=K. Any opinions on that?
(I find it flat out hilarious)
KS: You are not the only one and as
a matter of fact, the idea of a Kirby RPG has been an obsession
to many for a very long time. Kirby Warrior devoted his blood,
sweat and tears to developing one of the biggest Kirby fan
games ever, Kirby Warrior's RPG (check out the official site
Even I toyed with the idea, simple and programmer-I-am-not-me
with a ZZT based game. I never finished it. That is definitely
something I think everyone is looking forward to, because
there is sooo much that can be done with it. As a matter of
fact, I like the idea so much it just may be next week's mailbag
topic! Thanks for bringing up a sleeping topic!
Excellent point, Pishi's comics are by far one of the best
things I've ever seen! When I first visited the site, I couldn't
believe it! I LOVE IT! Anyone who hasn't visited yet is SO
missing out.
In kirby64, why do the enemy cards show backround characters
(butterfly, witch, ect.) as enemies?
KS: Although I can't really answer your
question completely, I can try. :) The witch is known as Keke,
who has appeared in Kirby's Dreamland 3. The butterfly,(Flutter)
I don't know. I think it's just a cute little extra touch.
I wish I could answer your question, but I don't really have
an answer though I have noticed that before. If anyone has
a better answer please let us both know. :)
Andrew Fletcher:
These may not have to do with the topic, but what happens
when you get 100% in Kirby's Tilt and Tumble? I have gotten
it and all I notice is a red sky at the title screen.
KS: Andrew - off topic is good! :) Since
this is a spoiler question, I have put the answer below in
a white, so just highlight it with your mouse to read on!
Upon completing the game with all red stars from all levels,
there will be Gordos where there usually are not. Some of
the levels get a bit harder, but other than that the change
is almost unnoticeable. Congrats on doing it though!!
When will you update the Kirby's game web pages all of them,
but mostly Kirby 64, Kirby adventure, and Kirby nightmare
in dream land, and super smash bros melee?
KS: Feels like forever doesn't it? Well,
it's all being worked on ever so slowly, but thanks for asking
about it because it does speed up the process - a little.
:) Thanks for being patient. When I work on a game guide,
you'll see I update it like crazy. That is because at that
moment that is my Kirby game of obsession.
FrostKirby: I first saw Kirby in
second grade. My friend Joey said that some new game had just
come out called super smash bros. he recommended it to me
and said to play as Kirby. When I first looked at the box
at the video store I immediately recognized Kirby. Ever since
I've been a big fan.
KS: How nice he let you in a such a
treasure (and then even promoted Kirby while he was at it!)
A big thanks to you and also give one from us to Joey!
I have some Kirby soundtrack
files. Where should I submit these?
KS: Oooo! Ear candy! Please send them
over (or arrange something) to me! :D :D :D :D Thanks for
Duu! It had to be Kirby Super
Star. I played that game all the time at my friend's house.
It took me forever, but I finally found the rom (don't tell).
Sure all of the Kirby games are a little easy, but hey, you
can play KSS a million times and not get bored. I miss the
helper-style multiplayer. Kindar! How many email addresses
have you had in the past year?! O.o
KS: Hehe I knew someone would eventually
hail KSS. It is by far one of Kirby's best games in my opinion.
It is so unique, I love playing it over and over like you
say, and sometimes I even do it for the music (The Great Cave
Offensive music is co cool!). The helper style was definitely
the best ever in any game... how cool was it having T.A.C!?!
E-mail addresses? Hehe um, more than I can count! ;D
Hi...first time here...I'm from
the Oekaki. Anyway what first started my interest in Kirby
was when I was about...*think* 7 years old, 1 year after I
got the super nes. I got Kirby's Fun Pak (Im from australia)
and only when i first saw this website did i know it was known
as Super Star, which was like 4 years later.
I was pathetic at the SNES at that time....and well I was young. Then later I got the gameboy colour and Kirby's dreamland was my first choice of a game. Then i got the 2nd Kirby's dreamland which was more enjoyable than the other one and finished it. My interest grew bigger as i played each game and finally i came up to here. Kirby is the most cutest yet bravest and powerful puff. I should be thankful that I am such a big fan now. :D Oh another thing KindarSpirit, what is the Kirby show like? I'm not from the US and all like u guys are... *whimper* All i know is that Kirby doesn't talk....
KS: Heya! Thanks for stopping by to
put in a few words! Hey, Australia, how neat! Strange they
named it Kirby's Fun Pak huh? They changed it around, like
they did with Kirby's Avalanche which is also known as Kirby's
Ghost Trap on the PAL version. I have no idea why that do
that, so strange!
Kirby's Dreamland 2 was so fun, that was the first time
I didn't have an easy time beating a Kirby game. The mirror
pieces were hard to find!
Awww... I feel bad when I hear some people can't see the
show. Then there are others who don't enjoy it. :( They
should set up something where people can donate their channel
for a day to people who really want it and don't get it
Honestly Kirbena, I enjoy the show very much. I LOVE some
of the stories, there's one in particular about Kirby getting
his very own robot dog as a companion. I have to say that
is by far one of my favorites. Kirby does talk, but it's
like baby gaa gaa (which is sooo cute!). All I can say at
the moment is keep your fingers crossed and NAG NAG NAG to nudge a few of the head corporate honchos
to air it where you are. Check out Kirby's official site and even e-mail them about trying
to get a hold of the series. :( Good luck, and thanks so
much for writing us from the outback. :) That is so cool.
Apple Kid:
First Kirby game was Kirby's
Dream Land 3. I was at my friend's house, and he'd rented
it. I was playing as Gooey, and we spent about an hour on
the level with the moving wall and the cloud that eventually
covers the entire screen (he kept sucking me up and jumping
off cliffs.) After that, I was hooked for all time on the
cute little puffball.
KS: Yey! A Kirby's Dreamland 3 fan!
I think that game was so overlooked because it came out so
late on the SNES (Nintendo 64 was already out!). I love how
they have all the characters in each level you have to like,
do stuff for.
Switch Kirby:
The first time I learned
about Kirby, I went crazy! I was 4 years old, when I got my
first Kirby game. I adored it! I had to have more. Now a days,
I have my own Kirby club, and we make Kirby figures out of
stuff all the time. Those, (and these) are the days that Kirby
will rule! Go Kirby! Oh, if your wondering who Switch is,
remember The Matrix? Yeah, I'm a guy, but I think Switch is
KS: Wow! You were really young, but
very very wise ;) How neat to have a Kirby club, I like to
think of RR as a club but we've yet to make figurines!
The MATRIX!!! AHHH! I have to see the sequel :( I loved
the first one. Switch is awesome too, I love her hair. They
should have had her in the movie longer. :( That guy was
mean who did that to her! >:(
Cutter Kirby:
I have a question about
the site: What do you make your Pictures with? (not animations)
Lets say... the picture where it shows Kirby in the window
sleeping I love the pics you guys make!!!
KS: Awww thanks so much for the compliment,
but it's one we can't take. As a matter of fact, most of the
pictures (and the one your talking about) are actually Kirby
pics! We didn't make them, but snapped them from the games.
The Kirby sleeping in the window is from the ending of Milk
Way Wishes from Kirby Super Star.
I've actually received quite a few questions about this
in the past, but the way I get them is by playing the *cough*ROM*cough*
and then saving snapshots from it. I do not condone ROMS
blah blah blah blah ;)
Thanks so much for noticing though, is there something
you'd like to see on the site? Requests are always welcome!
Waddle Dedede:
Am I the only Kirby fan
who's realized that the Kirby cartoon's a load of... well,
cack? Why am I writing this letter anyway? You lot never answer
the jolly things. If I said you were a goddess, Kindar, would
you answer it then? Kindar is a goddess!
KS: Unfortunately, you are not the only
one who has commented on the cartoon being less than what
they expect. Hehe I like to answer happy things! Happy things
are healthy. Thanks for kissing up though, it's always appreciated.
I would have posted your letter anyway though.
But what's a cack?
Adam Johns:
the show makes him infant minded people insult him even people
here insult him! help before my insanity gets worse!!!
KS: Ooops, well maybe you'd enjoy those
scary big lipped Ultimate Muscle things more. As for me, I
think I'll enjoy staying infant minded with Kirby. :)
Well, the first time I saw
Kirby was in Kirby's Pinball. It belonged to a relative of
mine, but I loved that game. Then I played Kirby's Adventure
& that's when I was drawn into Kirby's world. (I'm sorry
if it's out of date, but I haven't visited you guys in awhile,
I've been visiting this site since 1999.)
KS: Ahhh, Kirby's Pinball. That's a
game I can play for hours and hours on end. Awww, you've been
coming here for a long time! I'm glad your around still and
I hope you'll visit more and drop me more lines. :) Welcome
KS: I would just like to thank everyone for writing in this week,
I really enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts, questions and suggestions.
If you don't see yours posted, I may not have received it or it just
was way out there. Sorry!